A person should be dressed in clothes that suits him/her

          I agree with the student who thinks that a person should be dressed in clothes that suits him or her.There are many factors that need to be considered over one's choice of clothing.
          Clothes  are put on so that one can look presentable.They are normally chosen to suit the personality of a person.The clothes chosen should be comfortable and easy to wear.A person who follows blindly the latest fashion soon finds that the clothes may not reflect his or her personality.The clothes might also not  be suitable to wear in our climate or its fashion might go against our culture or tradition.
          Clothes that are thick and woollen will be too hot for our daily wear.Though the air-conditioner may help to overcome the hot weather to a certain extent,it will not be practical as not all places have air-conditioners.
          The latest fashion may be too outrageous in a traditional society where too much exposure of the body is not acceptable.Certain fashions are meant for parades or celebrities and not suitable for daily wear or the ordinary person. To dress in the latest fashion is not important.The important thing is to wear clothes that suits oneself and to be yourself.